Ayurveda for Women's Health

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Some health problems can be unique to women such as dysmenorrhea (painful periods), leucorrhoea, menopause and pregnancy. Ayurveda offers amazing treatment solutions for all the problems that are unique to women like menopause, PMS, painful periods, heavy periods, periodic swelling and bloating, or other problems of being a woman.

Ayurveda for dysmenorrhea: According to Ayurveda dysmenorrhea is common in vata dosha, but can be because of Pitta and Kapha doshas as well. Ayurvedic practitioners use antispasmodic, muscle relaxing, and pain relieving herbs along with emmenagogues.
  • Cyperus: This is a special Ayurvedic herb that is very effective for relieving menstrual cramping pain and is useful in dysmenorrhea for all types of doshas. Myrrh, Guggul Ashoka herbs are also useful.
  • In Vata type of dysmenorrhea a patient has severe colicky pain, constipation, dry skin, headache, anxiety, palpitations, abdominal distension and gas. Anti-Vata diet with moist and oily foods should be taken. Turmeric, nutmeg, asafetida, ginger, valerian and jatamamsi are effective in this type of dysmenorrhea. The effect of these herbs is enhanced by demulcents such as Shatavari and licorice, which possess a soothing and cortisone-like effect.
  • In pitta type dysmenorrhea cooling herbs such as Gotu kola, jatamamsi, passion flower and hops are useful.
  • In Kapha type dysmenorrhea spicy herbs and antispasmodics like ginger, calamus, myrrh, Guggul, cinnamon and nutmeg are useful.

Ayurveda for Leucorrhoea: In Ayur
veda Leucorrhoea is known as the 'white' or 'Shveta Pradar', because of discharge of white fluid from the Vagina.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Leucorrhoea include
  • Pushyanuga Churna: This herbal churna is very useful in leucorrhoea. Take 3 grams of this powder twice a day with a cup of milk or rice wash.
  • Ashokarishta: This herbal remedy is also effective in leucorrhoea. This remedy is taken with water, twice a day along with Pushyanuga Churna.
  • One dose of mixture of Chandaprabha (500mg), Pushyanuga churna  (1gm), Pradarantaka Louh (250mg) twice daily with decoction of root of ktisha grass.
  • One dose of mixture of Yashada Bhasma  (125mg), KukkutanandaTwaka Bhasma (250mg), Amla churna (500mg) should be taken daily in the morning and evening with honey.
  • Diet: Avoid non-vegetarian diet like fish, chicken, eggs for a few days. Eat plenty of fresh green vegetables, milk, and ghee.

Caution: Ayurvedic remedies can treat most problems in women. If you are self treating your problem and optimal response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, a change of remedy may be needed. Consult an ayurvedic practitioner for advice.

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